Hot Tubs Des Moines – Is it Time for a Hot Tub Tune-Up?

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Now that summer is winding away and the kids have gone back to school, now is an ideal time to perform some maintenance on your spa.

Just like your car needs a tune-up, your hot tub needs regular maintenance to stay in good shape.

Here are a few things to consider doing during your hot tub tune-up:

1- The “once over”

Do a quick assessment for any problems. Look around for leaks and parts that aren't working well. Catching problems early will mean lower repair costs and less aggravation. Make a list of anything that raises an eyebrow, and consider calling your dealer's service department to come check it out.

2-Flush the spa system

You may already perform daily and weekly maintenance methods such as sanitizing your water and watching pH levels, but how clean is the water flowing into your tub? Without getting inside the jets and inner plumbing of the hot tub, you won't know. The inner tubes and systems can be lined with dirt and mineral deposits. Flushing the system cleans the parts of your spa you can't see, ensuring good water quality before you even fill the tub. Don't forget to drain and re-fill the tub too.

2-Clean the Filters

Take the filters and soak them in a solution overnight. Ideally, filters should be changed every month, but if you haven't had a chance, certainly do it now. Think about having two sets of filters, so that you can rotate them each time you clean them. While you are cleaning the filters, don't forget the grids and cartridges.

3-Check the spa cover

Spa covers take a lot of pressure from the elements. It is possible for covers to crack under the relentless heat of the sun, and rain and snow can cause damage. Make sure to spray the cover with ultraviolet protectant and be sure that you have the adequate spa cover for your climate. Sagging can cause water pooling, and if you have these little puddles on your cover try flipping it. This may correct the problem in the short-term, but consider getting a stronger cover or one of a stronger substance.

Taking care of your spa protects the investment you've made in your hot tub. Making sure that your hot tub is well-maintained needn't be a arduous process. Taking the time to do a little maintenance now will keep your spa working as it should, and can avoid costly repairs in the future. Try a fall hot tub tune-up, and your spa will be well enough to enjoy soaking for days to come.

Hot Tubs Des Moines – Back to School can be Stressful – Here’s How a Hot Tub can Help

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Miss summer already? With all the kids going back to school (or starting school for the first time!), September makes life hectic.

New schedules, new faces, first day can be a lot for kids to adjust to. And when you add parents and their schedules into the mix, September is one of the most stressful times of the year for a family. Luckily, there's a solution to soothe all that stress: a warm bubbly spa.

How can a spa help a family deal with stress this fall?  

Here are a couple of ways a hot tub can help you deal with the stress of September:

Quality Family Time

Much has been made of the importance of “quality time” with your family. That can be hard when the kids have sports practice to get to, a laptop to do homework on, and an ipod in their ears. By scheduling a time for the entire family to jump in the spa, you remove all distractions. A nice soak for the entire family will give you time to talk about events of the day, or whatever else comes to mind—all while relaxing you.

You'll be surprised how open and forthcoming children can be when they're soaking in a warm spa, calm and relaxed. Wouldn't it be nice to get a better answer than “fine” when you ask how their day was?

Soaking will alleviate stress for everyone, and not just the adults in the family. Kids can deal with a lot of stress during the school year, and a personal spa will melt away tension for kids just as easily as it does for their parents.

Stress is just one of the health issues that improves with time in a personal spa. Hot tubs improve circulation, soothe muscles and provide a variety of other health benefits. When you tell the kids to jump in the hot tub, you can feel good about looking out for their overall health.

How About a Time Out for You?

With so much going on, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Yet making time for yourself can be necessary and beneficial for you and the rest of your family. Spending time alone can give you perspective, new ways to think of things, and a chance to recharge your “batteries”. Create a little oasis for yourself in the backyard, and give yourself the gift of peace with a spa—even if it only lasts half an hour!

If you feel up to it, consider spending time with your spouse—time for the two of you is also important.

Your family is thrust back into high speed when September rolls around. A hot tub will calm you and re-energize you for all that lies ahead. Try making time for a warm soak in your future!

So Go Ahead and Enjoy September!


Hot Tubs Minneapolis MN – Creating a Backyard Spa Paradise With Creative Landscaping

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

When we buy a hot tub, we tend to imagine relaxing in it and drifting away to a peaceful oasis. But how many of us actually make that dream come true? Creating a backyard paradise with your hot tub is much easier than you think. How can you do it?

Create a theme.

This is perhaps the most important step. Creating a theme based around your spa allows you to focus on one thing you really enjoy and to discard irrelevant things. You know how you only need milk at the supermarket, yet come home with 10 other items? That's what you want to avoid when building your backyard paradise spa.

Have fun with the landscaping.

Some people will buy a hot tub, mount it on a deck, and call it a day. But you can really have fun turning your backyard into a fully fleshed-out spectacle by using what is available and by concentrating on them. Keeping the theme in mind will especially guide you toward the right elements to include.

Plant exotic trees and plants that present a striking visual treat if you are recreating a rainforest. For high drama, or those attempting a secret garden effect, consider creating a pergola--a lush leafy path leading to a hot tub surrounded by a dome of gorgeous greenery.

Titillate all the senses, not just your vision. Use flowers that smell wonderful, such as honeysuckle. Add chimes to the posts of a pavilion gazebo and surround your spa with music. Install a fountain or a mini-waterfall for the sound of running water, or consider a fire pit not only for the flickering soft light, but the smoky smell.

When getting creative, consider the following:

-The impact of the landscaping on the hot tub. Trees that look beautiful but will eventually hang over the hot tub and drop berries or leaves into it might not be a wise choice.

-Time and cost. Whatever you choose is certainly up to you, but don't make an elaborate plan if you will become outspent and burnt out making it.

Take these ideas and build on them, creating your own personal piece of heaven. The great thing about making your backyard paradise is that whatever you envision, you can create. Soaking in your bubbly spa will feel much better knowing that you've created all that you see.

Now go out there and soak!


Hot Tubs Minneapolis – How to Make Your Hot Tub Surroundings Private

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

There's a funny question that comes up when one buys a hot tub: how can you enjoy a spa when you've got neighbors? It can be challenging to come up with ideas to enjoy your hot tub while hoping the neighbors aren't staring, so here are three creative ways to landscape the surrounding area so your personal spa stays personal:

1 - Create a Rainforest - Not literally of course--create a thick green barrier between you and the rest of the world. Use plants that are large and leafy to provide natural privacy. Just make sure not to use plants and trees that shed leaves in autumn or drop berries in the spring. Keep in mind that you want the inside of your hot tub to stay clean. Some exotic trees, such as espalier that only grow sideways, will not only provide privacy but lend ambiance.

2 - Get a Gazebo - Gazebos can be customized to fit in with the look of your house. They are very good for muffling sound so that eavesdroppers don't catch every word of your conversation, but they are also beautiful. There are many different styles of gazebos, suitable for different tastes and different privacy levels. However, most seem to fall into two types:

-Pavilion - These are perhaps the most recognizable, consisting of a roof and four posts. They offer protection from the sun as well as provide a bit of cover.

-Open Air - Usually enclosures without roofs, the open air gazebo allows fresh air in private. Different styles offer open lattice "walls" so you can enjoy the outdoors and your privacy. This type will also allow you to see the night sky while you soak in your hot tub.

3 - Build a Room or Spa Enclosure - Spa Enclosures are just like rooms and are made specifically to house the hot tub. This setup offers the most privacy, maximum protection from the elements, and can be decorated and customized any way you like.

Other ways to make your hot tub surroundings more private are to take steps to make your entire backyard more private. Allow crawling vines and plants to engulf a side fence, for example. Plant leafy trees along the perimeter of your backyard.

It's possible to enjoy a relaxing soak in your Hot Spring Spas hot tub without feeling like you are on display. Let these tips guide you toward hot tub surroundings that are landscaped in a way that are private, creative, and beautiful.

Time to enjoy your hot tub!


St. Paul Hot Tubs – More Than Just Relaxing – A Hot Tub Can Be Good for You Too

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

More than a millennia ago, ancient cultures discovered how the mind, body and spirit can be improved by immersing in hot water. Taking a long, peaceful soak in a hot tub from HotSpring Spa will not only ease your tension and stress, but could also be just what the doctor ordered. A HotSpring Spa can help you feel better naturally, whether it’s just to relax after a long day or to reduce the tightness and pain in your joints and muscles from an injury or strain.

The Hydro-massage Experience

Massage, heat and buoyancy are all working together to give you a calming, relaxing experience infused with hydrotherapy.

Soaking in a spa increases circulation as the body temperature rises with the hot water causing the blood vessels to dilate. Buoyancy creates a weightless sensation that releases the tension in joints and muscles when it reduces body weight by about 90%.

The jet nozzles give a relaxing massage with the use of air and warm water. Endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, are released and tight muscles are loosened with the “energized” stream of water.

Arthritis Benefits

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, affecting an estimated 50 million Americans. Most types of arthritis are identified as inflammation of the joints causing stiffness, swelling, and pain, many instances ending with the result of joint function or movement loss.

Finding relief by immersing in the relaxing, warm water of a spa is common among people affected by arthritis. Having a hot tub conveniently located in the comfort of your backyard, provides you with the buoyancy, warmth, and massage required to exercise and soothe muscles and joints.

Diabetes Benefits

Help may be as near as the closest hot tub for people who suffer from diabetes (Type 1 or 2), more than 23.6 million people. There are many advantages to owning a spa and for people who are affected by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus there are many benefits to soaking in a hot tub, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

People can, many times, control their condition by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet with this type of diabetes. Sadly, vigorous activity and maintaining a consistent weight is physically impossible for some diabetics. Immersing yourself in a hot tub can lead to an increase in overall sense of well being and improved sleep.

Sleep Benefits

Stressful, busy lifestyles are the cause of insomnia for many patients, according to sleep researchers. Worn nerves, memory loss, mood swings, grogginess, and depression are just some of the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Have a deeper, more peaceful sleep, relieve stress and relax by soaking in a hot tub before going to bed.

A decrease in body temperature can help calm your body into a relaxing and soothing sleep, according to a study in the scientific journal Sleep.

For that reason, it is suggested to soak in 103F degree water for 15 minutes an hour and a half before going to bed. This allows sleep to set in easily, because after soaking in a hot tub the body decreases its internal thermostat.

Many people want to avoid grogginess and other adverse side effects from alternative sleeping aids such as prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicine and alcohol. A natural remedy to induce relaxation and a deeper sleep is through the use of a spa.

So what are you waiting for, Relax in Your Own Hot Spring Hot Tub!

Hot Tubs St. Paul – Shopping for a Portable Hot Tub in St. Paul, MN

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

With so many brands, products, features and options available, choosing the right hot tub can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. Since a hot tub purchase is not an everyday type purchase, there are a few things we suggest you do before you even start the shopping process. You’ll need to consider your lifestyle, budget, placement, time required to maintain and even environmental issues.

To start off with, let me clarify a few of the common terms people us to describe a hot tub. They include; spas, portable spas, hot tub spa and portable hot tub - all describe the same thing, so don’t get too caught up in the terminology.

There are various types of hot tubs and spas on the market today and they come in a wide variety of shapes, styles and sizes. The medical and relaxation benefits of hot water therapy are the same regardless of the hot tub you select, but selecting the right hot tub from a reputable dealer can save you time and money in terms of longevity and maintenance.

The Benefits of Owning a Hot Tub

There are lots of benefits to owning your own spa – from stress reduction to relieving the symptoms of arthritis to getting a better night’s sleep and even easing the aches and pains in your joints and muscles.

In addition to the medical benefits of owning your own spa, it can also be a great activity to enjoy with family and friends. Relaxing in the bubbling warm water makes for a fun way to entertain and enjoy the company of others. Many of our customers have made their hot tub the “center piece” of their backyard and created beautiful landscapes to surround it. Having a hot tub not only enhances your lifestyle but can also enhance the value of your home.

Before You Start Shopping

Regardless of your reason for investing in a hot tub, one of the most important considerations is how often you’ll be soaking in it and how many people on average will be using it at the same time? Is it mostly just for you and your spouse 2 or 3 days a week, or do you have a large family that will be enjoying it on a daily basis? All of this is important when it comes to size, budget, space required to place the spa and of course maintenance. Making these decisions ahead of time will make your research and buying decision easier later on.

One Last Note: A Cheaper Price Does Not Mean a Better Deal

There are vast differences in the way all hot tubs are designed and constructed that will greatly affect your price and your long-term enjoyment. You should consider issues such as comfort, ease of use, performance, safety, reliability, and most importantly, the total cost of ownership when selecting your new hot tub. Remember; you do get what you pay for!

Hot Tubs Minneapolis – Portable Hot Tub FAQ’s – 5 Questions to Ask Before You Buy

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

If you are considering buying a hot tub, you probably already know about the great benefits you are about to receive. But there are hundreds of types, shapes and sizes, so how can you be sure you are making the best spa buying decision? It doesn't have to be a tough process. Here are 5 great questions to ask before you buy a hot tub:

Question #1—How easy is it to take care of a spa?

Luckily, most hot tub owners report that their hot tubs are easy to maintain. The manufacturer's manual will explain particulars but hot tubs typically require filter cleaning, sanitizing, and to be drained every few months.

Also is the dealer able to perform regular maintenance services for you? How much do they charge for their maintenance services? A good dealer will be able to tell you what upkeep costs you might be in for.

Question #2—How energy efficient is a spa—can you get estimated monthly costs?

The type of hot tub you buy will directly reflect the cost. If you want to be energy-efficient and keep costs down in the process, be aware that higher speeds, more jets and bigger pumps will cost more and use more energy. Insulation and hot tub covers can help to reduce energy use.

For your convenience, manufacturers have energy tables available so you can estimate monthly costs. Just make sure you get the current rate of power in your town so you can get a good estimate of how much the spa will cost you.

Question #3—Do you have to use harsh chemicals to keep your spa water clean?

The chemicals that hot tubs require aren’t any more harmful than those that you might use for your pool. They help the water stay at the right pH level, keeping grimy buildup from destroying your hot tub components. The right sanitizing system prevent bacteria and mold from growing in your hot tub as well as ridding your spa of viruses and other impurities.

Question #4—What kind of backyard preparation do I have to do?

The great thing about hot tubs is they are very easy to install and there is not much that needs to be done to prepare. Find a level area to place the hot tub that has access to an outlet and a hose. You also have to be sure that the location you choose will be strong enough to support a hot tub full of water and people. Be aware of trees and power lines that may be overhead, and make sure you are in compliance with local codes.

Question #5—What type of “after the sale” service does the company provide?

Find out what kind of support you can expect from both the dealer and the manufacturer of the hot tub after your purchase. Some things to consider:

-Warranties—Does the manufacturer have one? Does the dealer? What do they entail?

-Service hours-Do they offer 24/7 service?

-Maintenance services—What type of services do they offer? Do they offer both cleaning and repair?

-Stock and supplies—Can you get the part you need in a reasonable time frame?

There can be a lot of things to think about when purchasing a hot tub, but ask these five questions first and you will have a better chance of buying the right hot tub from the right dealer. The right choice will give you peace of mind while saving you time and money.

Hot Tubs Minneapolis – Landscaping Ideas to Enhance Your Backyard Hot Tub Experience

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Most people choose to place their portable hot tubs in the backyard. It's an ideal spot for a spa, but it can be much more than that. Enhance your backyard hot tub experience by landscaping a beautiful scene to look out on as you soak. Here are a few ideas:

Build your backyard around the spa - Instead of simply putting the hot tub in the backyard; why not make it the centerpiece of the space? Depending on your choices, a portable hot tub can melt into the background or stand out as a striking structure that gives the backyard a completely different look. Hot tubs can easily adapt to any theme you can think of, and by using the spa as a starting point, the backyard will become an attractive haven for friends and family.

Plant trees for ambiance - Don't forget the natural world when you think about your hot tub landscaping. The best way to integrate your spa with nature is encourage natural growth. Planting trees is a great way to give your yard some personality and color. Different tree types and sizes will obviously provide different looks so choose carefully between flowering trees and evergreens.

Be sure not to plant the trees too close to the spa, as you don't want leaves to fall into the water and you don't want to cover up the spa by closing it in as the trees grow. In addition, make sure to get maintenance information about different trees before you plant.

Have a lighted pathway - Lights serve two purposes in spa landscaping. The first is the beautiful, romantic quality of a lit path on the way to the spa, and the second is more realistic: lighting the path is a safe way to make sure people can see where they are going. There are a variety of lighting choices for a pathway, from freestanding torches to pillar candles.

Experiment with different colors and different kinds of lighting until you reach the perfect mood. And the perfect mood can change—the great thing about lighting is that it is relatively inexpensive to change it, changing the mood as many times as you wish. Whatever kind of lighting you use, periodically check them to see that they are on and working, and that they are safe.

Use a spa surround - Spa surrounds are great for those who will have a lot of people going in and out of their hot tub. A spa surround makes certain that people can get in and out of the hot tub from different sides. It also gives the hot tub a more substantial, richer appearance. Choose a surround based on other structures in your backyard, your house, and what kind of mood and look you are trying to achieve.

A personal hot tub can be great to relax in, but creating a gorgeous environment for the hot tub can be almost as much fun as the tub itself. By landscaping a space with trees, lighting, and a spa surround, you can change the area from a simple backyard to a magical oasis.


Hot Tubs Woodbury – Create Your Own “Staycation” with a Back Yard Hot Tub

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Have you been thinking about planning a “staycation” this year instead of spending thousands on a travel vacation? When you have a backyard hot tub, you can create all kinds of fun and excitement without leaving home.

With the economy as uncertain as it has been in recent memory, people are finding lots of creative ways to still have fun and create lasting memories with their families on vacation. People are discovering that it is not necessary to travel to exotic locations to have an enjoyable time. What seems to matter the most is spending quality time with the family, which has given rise to the concept of the “staycation,” which means creating the feel of a vacation without getting on an airplane, traveling long distances and spending lots of money.

Here are some of the essential ingredients for creating your own “staycation” with your back yard hot tub:

• Create a visually appealing space for your hot tub. Do some landscaping and plant some privacy plants and shrubs that will create a nice, comfortable setting for your family and guests. It should also provide a private, intimate setting for when you are enjoying your hot tub with your special someone.

• Plan some fun events. Invite family and friends over and host some fun events that involve the hot tub.

• Consider hiring a housekeeper and a handyman so that both of you can put aside your “to-do” list and focus on relaxation and fun.

• Put up a tent in the back yard and allow the kids to camp out on clear nights.

• Cook meals on a campfire if they are permissible in your neighborhood. Otherwise, use a grill.

• If you want to go all out, choose an international theme and decorate your home and back yard to fit the theme of the chosen country. Then prepare a menu of foods from that land and play music to accompany it. This will give you the taste of another culture without getting a new stamp on your passport and putting less of a dent in your wallet ?.

There are lots of creative ways to stay home and have a good time in your own back yard with your hot tub. Use your imagination and come up with some easy, fun economical ways to enjoy your vacation time without traveling or spending a ton of cash.

When you plan a “staycation,” your hot tub becomes a valuable investment that will pay for itself again and again with all of the fun and enjoyment that you and your family will get out of relaxing in the warm, soothing waters and allowing all of your troubles to quickly melt away.

Whether you have kids, or you are looking to create a fun environment for yourself and your adult friends, having a hot tub in your back yard is a vital ingredient to making your “staycation” one that you will remember for years to come.

Losing Sleep? How Portable Hot Tubs Can Help

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Can portable hot tubs really help you get better sleep? Losing sleep is becoming a major factor in not only the health and vitality of many Americans, but it also has an effect on safety and job performance. In this article we are going to take a look at how using a portable hot tub in the evening can help you get a better night’s sleep and have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being.

Everyone knows that relaxing in a hot tub can be lots of fun. After a hard workout in the gym, or a long, stressful day at the office, it seems like all of your troubles melt away as your body sinks down into the warm, welcoming water and the jets begin to work their magic on your tired, sore muscles. Even the sound of the burbling water and the cool, evening air seem to dissolve all worries and cares and send them far away from your attention as you close your eyes and sink into the luxurious feeling of being pampered.

If your sleep problems are related to your stressful lifestyle, it can be helpful to think about establishing a relaxing bedtime routine that helps create a separation between the over-stimulation of the day’s activities, and the time for relaxation and rest in the evening.

Rather than allowing all of those obligations, worries and responsibilities to swirl around in your mind causing you anxiety, make it a habit to write down those hanging tasks that are leftover from the day that must be completed tomorrow. Writing them down captures them and lets your mind release them so that you can focus on your home life and give your family or your partner your attention.

Losing sleep can also have a negative impact on your health. If you are overweight and have poor sleep habits, the lack of sleep can be a contributing factor. In a study published in the February 2010 edition of Sleep, the researchers showed a connection between lack of sleep and weight gain can be traced to the secretion of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which govern feelings of hunger and the feeling of being full. When the balance of these hormones is disrupted, as can occur when we don't get enough sleep or when we have erratic sleep habits, we sometimes develop the tendency to eat more and feel less full.

Using portable hot tubs as part of your evening relaxation routine can help you solve the problem of losing sleep. Make the time to relax in your hot tub spa in the evening so that you can allow the warm water and the massaging jets do their thing to lower your blood pressure and induce a state of relaxation in your body and your mind.

Based on everything presented here I think it is safe to say that portable hot tubs can in fact help you get a better night’s sleep. Making an effort to let go of the worries and cares of the day by relaxing in the warm water of your own portable hot tub will help you get the rest you need.

Want to get a better night's sleep too?  Check out our full line of Hot Spring Spas