Manage Stress to Fight Arthritis? – Hot Tubs Ankeny, Portable Spas Ames

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Stress is a normal part of life, but too much tension can actually exacerbate arthritis pain by releasing chemicals in the body that trigger inflammation. While swollen and painful joints can be uncomfortable, elevated stress levels can make symptoms practically debilitating. The truth is, stress worsens your pain, making it important to learn a few stress reduction techniques to help restore the body’s natural balance. Here are a few easy ways to manage stress and fight arthritis.

Breathing Exercises - Elevated stress is often accompanied by irregular breathing - that “fight or flight” response which tenses every muscle and joint in the body. In fact, when you react to stress, your muscles become tight, which unfortunately, makes arthritis pain more pronounced. Stress pain and muscle tension lead to a faster heart rate. Taking the time to stop and concentrate on breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth will release some of that tension, easing arthritis pain and minimizing stiffness. Over time, breathing through stress becomes easier and more natural.

Stretching for Relief - The benefits of stretching to relieve stress can be extended to decrease arthritis pain. By elongating the muscles it’s possible to increase range of motion, enhance flexibility and decrease joint stiffness. Movement is one of the best ways to fight joint pain and with the release of endorphins, or the body’s “feel good” receptors, tension and stress fade. Stretching is key for pain relief and healing as increased oxygen and blood flow more easily allowing knotted, stiff and tense areas to relax and heal.

A Relaxing Soak in a Hot Tub - Learning how to relax is one of the most effective ways to control stress. A calming dip in the hot tub will do wonders for pain relief, but as a relaxation technique, nothing compares to the soothing comfort of heated, massaging water to calm the mind and ease the body. Within seconds, heat relaxes tight, sore muscles and joints, which ease tension in the neck, lower back and shoulders. When tension fades, arthritis pain does as well. Using a hot tub regularly is an easy and convenient way to manage stress and feel great.

When arthritis pain is accompanied by elevated stress, even getting out of bed in the morning can be a challenge. Learning strategies for handling stress in a positive, healthy way can reduce pain and discomfort and help you cope more effectively with the demands of the disease.

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to find the Hot Spring Spas location nearest them are encouraged to visit the company website for more information. The website address is

Hot Tubs Ankeny, Portable Spas Ames

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 515-270-8702 or go to

Three Ways to Use Your Hot Tub – Hot Tubs Carroll, Used, Portable Spas, IA

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

If you’ve just purchased a hot tub or you’re considering buying one, you’re probably excited to get it home and try it out. And while you’re more than likely familiar with how relaxing, soothing and comforting the warm, massaging water can be, there are probably a few other ways to use your hot tub that you haven’t thought of. Aside from the hydro massage, here are three other ways to use your hot tub that are sure to leave you glad you’re the proud owner of your very own spa.

Stay Connected with Family - Who says having a great time with the kids has to be expensive? With an in-home hot tub, you can plan a regular “family hot tub night” where everyone comes together for conversation, laughter and good times. The warm bubbly water is the perfect environment for relaxing sore muscles, but also, a great way to get everyone together in one place with no distractions. That means no phones, computers or television to interrupt. Time spent with the family in the hot tub is an excellent way to stay connected, and a cost-effective and easy way to make memories.

Maintain Great Health - These days, with busy work schedules and hectic lives, it can be tough to follow a diet and exercise program. In fact, it’s all most of us can do to try to eat a few vegetables or take a short walk after dinner. Luckily, sitting in a hot tub for even twenty minutes can enhance health and fitness by decreasing stress, even promoting weight loss. Heated water relaxes muscles and joints, easing tension and stress instantly, while powerful jets provide targeted massage. Sitting in the tub also raises core body temperature, which has the same effect on the body as light cardiovascular exercise.

Get Rid of That Pain For Good - For the millions of Americans suffering with arthritis or other chronic pain, just getting out of bed in the morning is an agonizing event. A quick soak in the hot tub before morning coffee can decrease stiffness, eliminate aches and make the morning routine less of an event. After a sports injury or a particularly stressful day, using a hot tub for pain relief is quick, easy and convenient.

Nothing is quite as relaxing as the warm, massaging water of a hot tub. For decreasing stress, unwinding after a rough day, or eliminating pain, a soak in the tub is a fabulous way to regenerate. A hot tub is also the ideal environment for reconnecting with family and friends and a super way to maintain great health.

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to find the Hot Spring Spas location nearest them are encouraged to visit the company website for more information. The website address is

Hot Tubs Carroll, Used, Portable Spas, IA

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 515-270-8702 or go to

How to Spring Clean Your Romance in 3 Easy Steps – Portable Spas Hopkins, Sauna Sale

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Spring is here, but is your relationship still in the doldrums of winter? How about making a change for the better? If you need to put a little spark back in the romance department, but aren’t sure where to begin, here are three great suggestions for re-igniting the flame and adding magic.

Think Young - Remember how easy it was to have a great time doing just about anything when you were young? Before kids, work pressure or bills, every opportunity was another chance to have fun. While it’s true, we can’t make these responsibilities go away, we can change our mindset. That means embracing the little things and taking advantage of those opportunities to have fun. How about cooking a fantastic meal together or having a “camp out” under the stars, away from the living room? Making more out of everyday opportunities is a great way to reconnect, without having to spend money or investing a lot of time. Sometimes, it’s as simple as taking a walk after dinner or working on a crossword puzzle together.

Be Adventurous - Biologically, men and women respond the same when romantically connected. Studies confirm that when there is a romantic spark, dopamine levels increase in the body. A chemical known to affect emotion, dopamine can easily be elevated by doing something adventurous and couples who experience new things together can increase connectedness. Luckily, you don’t have to hike the Appalachian Trail to get “adventurous” and trying a new restaurant, exploring a nearby town, even starting a new hobby together can be just as effective.

Take Time Out For “Us” in the Hot Tub - No one will deny the need for “me” time, but as a couple, it’s just as important to ensure you’re giving the same amount of attention to the two of you as a couple. An easy and highly effective way to enhance a relationship, while enjoying some well-deserved relaxation, is using a hot tub. Sitting together in warm, massaging water is sensual, peaceful and the perfect way to enjoy one another’s company without cell phones, computers or television. Talking, laughing and reconnecting from the convenience of home is the perfect way to reach out to the one you love and put an end to the stresses of the day.

Every relationship is in need of a little rekindling now and then and luckily there are easy solutions for bringing out the magic. Don’t let opportunities for having fun pass you by. Consider being adventurous and be sure to take full advantage of the opportunity to rejuvenate, relax and refresh from the comforts of home in the warm, bubbly water of the hot tub.

Keywords: Portable Spas Hopkins, Sauna Sale Hopkins, MN

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories.  We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.  To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”.  Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to

How a Hot Tub Can Help With Improved Health – Hot Tub Sale Maple Grove, Sauna Sale

Friday, February 15th, 2013

Now that 2013 is here, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about making a few changes leading to improved health and well being. And while proper diet and regular exercise are sure to be at the top of the list, there’s another highly effective and all natural way to realize significant health benefits- the hot tub. Learn how a quick soak in the hot tub a few times a week can leave you looking and feeling better than you have in years. 

Control Type 2 Diabetes - For folks suffering with Type 2 Diabetes, a hot tub offers some relief. Studies confirm consistent use of a hot tub a few times a week actually lowers blood sugar levels and promotes overall well being. The heated water in the tub increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles, but it’s more than that. Sitting in the hot tub actually helps dilate blood vessels, which improves blood flow, helping the body use insulin more effectively.

Enhance Sleep - For millions of Americans, not getting the proper rest leads to a variety of other issues including poor work performance, clumsiness, even weight gain. Sleep is an important time for the body to repair and nourish damaged cells and restore lost energy. Sitting in a hot tub prior to going to bed is one of the most effective- and natural- ways to promote a deep, more restful sleep. Warm, massaging water relaxes muscles and calms the mind, making the transition from awake to sleep easier.

Reduce Stress - Everyone deals with stress at one time or another. Whether it’s work, family or a combination of both, unmanaged stress can lead to depression, anxiety, even illness. Sitting in a hot tub is the perfect way to eliminate stress related pain in the back, neck or shoulders, and an easy way to ease away tension from the day. Massaging jets can be positioned in a variety of different ways to target exactly where stress knots develop while heat relaxes tight, stiff muscles. Twenty minutes three days a week and stress is a thing of the past.

In addition to providing unparalleled relaxation and soothing comfort, the warm bubbly water of a hot tub has tremendous health benefits. Soaking in the tub is an easy and convenient way to promote improved health and fitness in 2013 by helping control type 2 Diabetes, enhancing sleep and reducing stress.

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, Hot Spring Green will provide free hot tub test soaks in their 5 locations all this month.  The company wants to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves. 

Consumers wanting to find the Hot Spring Spas location nearest them are encouraged to visit the company website for more information.  The website address is 

Hot Tub Sale Maple GroveSauna Sale Maple Grove 

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories.  We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.  To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”.  Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to

Hottubs Osseo, Hot Tub Sale Osseo – Say Hello to a New You With a New Hot Tub

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

With a new year upon us, many of us are looking to make improvements to our health and fitness. It could be as simple as dropping a few pounds or stressing less. Maybe it’s finally taking the time to think seriously about health and fitness and taking proactive steps to feel and look better. Whatever the goal, it’s time to say hello to a new and improved you- and with a little help from the hot tub, it’s easier than ever.

Eliminate Stress - It doesn’t matter if you’re a high powered CEO or a stay at home mom, stress affects all of us at one time or another. But not managing stress is the easiest way to start having health problems- high blood pressure, depression, weight gain, even a lack of sleep are all complements of elevated stress levels. Luckily, sitting in the hot tub a few times a week is a natural way to more effectively manage stress. With targeted massage and warm water, tension fades away, leaving the mind and body refreshed and rejuvenated.

Enhance a Weight Loss Plan - Believe it or not, it’s possible to soak your way to improved fitness. Sitting in the heated water of a hot tub has the same affect on your body as light cardiovascular exercise, without doing damage to muscles or joints. The body burns calories because you use energy to lower internal heat. And as heat rises, you burn calories trying to cool down. For folks who have trouble with physical activity but still want the cardiovascular benefits, a hot tub is the perfect solution. 

Get the Sleep You Need to Be Your Best - Insomnia affects millions of people worldwide and as most of us already know, inadequate sleep negatively impacts our health and performance. By making a quick dip in the hot tub part of a nightly routine, you can improve not only the quantity of sleep, but the quality of sleep as well.  Relaxing before bed in the warm bubbly water gives your mind and body the chance to slow down and rest, making the transition from awake to sleep more natural. You fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer- a perfect combination for feeling alert and well rested in the morning.

With a new and improved you on the horizon, it’s never been a better time to start taking proactive steps to improve health and fitness. Start by adding a hot tub to your routine for stress relief, a jump start on weight loss and as the perfect way to get more of the sleep you need to look and feel your best.

Keywords: Hottubs OsseoHot Tub Sale Osseo 

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories.  We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.  To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”.  Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to



Hot Tubs Apple Valley, Saunas Apple Valley – The Perfect New Year’s Eve Gala From the Hot

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

With the New Year in site it’s time to start planning the evening to usher in 2013. While there are tons of restaurants and lounges that offer exciting dinner and dancing packages for the big event, why not try something truly extraordinary like throwing the perfect New Year’s Eve gala from the hot tub? A fantastic and easy way to share the holiday with friends and family from the comforts of home, a hot tub party is perfect for an intimate evening for two or a blowout party for a few great buddies.

A Cost Effective and Convenient Alternative - Even by conservative estimates, planning an evening out on the town to celebrate New Year’s Eve can be expensive. With dinner and drinks, there’s generally still a cover charge or “holiday price” that ends up costing significantly for two to enjoy the evening. As an alternative, staying home, making a fabulous meal for a few friends and watching the ball drop from the hot tub is inexpensive and a totally convenient way to be festive without the hassle or chaos of going out.

Pure Romance - New Year’s Eve or not, there’s simply nothing more romantic than spending a little quality time with the one you love surrounded by bubbly water and soothing massage. Why not embrace the simplicity of having a quiet, relaxing and peaceful evening staying home with your favorite partner in crime. Besides, there’s no traffic, no expensive meal and no chaos- just pure, unadulterated romance.

Stay Home and Keep it Safe - New Year’s Eve is one of those holidays that regardless of where you happen to be around midnight, there’s lots of yelling and lots of alcohol. If that’s your thing, it can be fun. But if you’re looking to scale it back a little this year and you’re interested in enjoying the evening without having to yell to be heard, consider staying home and keeping it safe. Relaxing in the hot tub in total comfort is always more appealing than even the trendiest hot spot when you’re tired and ready to go- particularly after the ball drops and you’re faced with the long drive home.

New Year’s Eve is an exciting time to have fun, get loud and celebrate with wild enthusiasm. But when you’re looking for an alternative plan that doesn’t involve yelling, screaming or fighting traffic, consider staying home and relaxing from the comforts of the hot tub. The perfect New Year’s Eve plan for a few close friends or a significant other, ushering in the New Year hot tub style is safe, inexpensive and crazy fun- and that’s what New Year’s Eve should be all about.

Keywords: Hot Tubs Apple Valley, Saunas Apple Valley

 About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories.  We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.  To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”.  Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to


Hot Tubs Eagan, Saunas Eagan – Why You’ll Get More Use Out Of A Hot Tub Than A Pool

Monday, November 26th, 2012

As a homeowner, making meaningful additions to your property is a smart strategy and an easy way to add value to your home. But with most of us on a strict budget, it’s important to get the most out of every hard earned dollar.  If you’ve decided to complement your home with the addition of a hot tub or a pool, you’re not alone if you’re finding it difficult to choose between the two. With years of family fun and relaxation from the comforts of home in mind, you’re torn with no answer in sight.

Luckily, there are benefits to owning either a pool or a hot tub and most families would be thrilled at the idea of having either one-even temporarily. But hands down, regardless of climate or even the size of your family, you’re likely to get more use out of a hot tub than a pool.

Year Round Fun - When you purchase a hot tub, you’re making an investment that can easily be used 365 days of the year-winter, spring, summer and fall. That means if you’re looking forward to unwinding after a particularly stressful day in November or you’re ready for summer fun with a hot tub and grill party, you can do it. The unique qualities of the hot tub are the same year round and with no restrictions, you’re likely to take full advantage of your investment-whether snowflakes are falling on the patio or a summer breeze is blowing strong. While the pool is tremendously enjoyable when the weather is mild, if you happen to live anywhere that gets a chill in the air, the pool cover goes on-and stays on- for several months at a time.

Health Benefits of Hot Tub Hydrotherapy - The health benefits alone of using a hot tub make it a wise investment not only for your home, but your well being. With unparalleled relief, soaking in a hot tub a few times a week can dramatically improve joint and muscle aches and pains from arthritis, chronic back pain, even fibromyalgia. Stiff, overworked muscles or tension in the neck is targeted by massaging jets to bring instant relief. Having access to a hot tub right outside the back door makes it easy to start and end the day pain free. Plus, using a hot tub a few evenings after dinner promotes a deep, restful sleep, helping the body repair and reenergize naturally.

Convenience - Nothing is as simple as folding back the cover and slipping into the warm, relaxing water of a hot tub. With energy efficient pumps and heaters, it’s possible to keep your hot tub ready to use at a moment’s notice. And with ease and convenience, spur of the moment stress relief and date night dilemmas resolved, there’s no reason why the hot tub won’t become a central part of the entire family’s daily routine. Reconnect with your teenagers, relax with a best pal after work or simply engage in meaningful conversation with the one you love.

A hot tub offers unique opportunities that may not be available with a traditional pool. While they’re both enjoyable investments that are sure to add value to your home, a hot tub is clearly perfect for every occasion, bringing years of improved health, entertainment and close family relationships into focus.

Keywords: Hot Tubs Eagan, Saunas Eagan

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories.  We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.  To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”.  Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to

Hot Tubs Burnsville, Portable Spas Burnsville – Re-create the Spa with 3 Great Treatments

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to visit the spa, you understand how relaxing, invigorating and purely decadent it can be to sit and lounge while someone pampers you. There's simply no better way to spend a day. But for many of us with limited funds and family obligations, the spa is simply not an option. Does that mean we should be denied the same luxuries? Absolutely not. And while going to the spa may be outside the budget, the luxurious treatments aren't. Here's how to re-create the spa with three great treatments from home that are sure to leave you feeling and looking great.

Holistic Facial - Not much compares to a relaxing facial at the spa. And luckily, for pennies on the dollar, you can re-create the entire experience. While it doesn't feel quite the same doing it to yourself as when someone is pampering you, the results are exactly the same. Start by using a quality cleanser to remove makeup or residue from your face and neck. Next use a refreshing toner followed by a gentle exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. Remove the exfoliant with a warm towel and apply a quality hydrating mask. Twenty minutes later, remove the mask with another warm towel and apply moisturizer followed by a hydrating eye cream.

Moisturizing Wrap for Hair - One of the easiest spa treatments to re-create from home is a moisturizing towel wrap or hair hydration treatment. Keeping your hair hydrated is the best way to keep it healthy, shiny and looking great. But instead of spending upwards of $40, do it yourself. Here’s how. After shampooing, add a generous amount of a quality moisturizing conditioner to your hair. Let it soak into your hair for five minutes in a hot shower, with plenty of steam. After five minutes, get out of the shower without rinsing the conditioner out and wrap your head in a warm towel. Twenty minutes later, remove the towel, rinse your hair and comb through it. Let your hair dry naturally.

Hot Tub Hydrotherapy and Body Scrub - Hot tub hydrotherapy is a technique that has been used for centuries to treat aches and pains and calm the mind. It’s also a very expensive treatment offered at some of the most elite spas and retreats. Luckily, it doesn’t matter whether the hot tub is behind the walls of a fancy spa or in your back yard, because the heat, massage and buoyancy are the same. Create your own homemade exfoliation scrub to apply before getting in the hot tub and emerge twenty minutes later with silky soft skin. Try mixing Epsom salts with your favorite body oil and adding a few dried herbs. Plus, with targeted jets, it’s easy to get a personal massage anytime, day or night. And from the comforts of home, there's no appointment necessary.

For most people, finding the time and money to visit a luxurious spa can be challenging. But when you work hard, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice the pampering. With a little creativity, a few supplies and some time, it’s easy to re-create some of the most decadent spa treatments.

Keywords: Hot Tubs Burnsville, Portable Spas Burnsville

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to

Used Hot Tubs MN – 3 Ways to Improve Your Skin and Look Better

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Whether you’re seventeen or seventy, chances are, you’re looking for suggestions on how to improve your skin and look better. After all, your skin is the first thing people notice about you- you want it look its best. But with so many different anti-aging products and surgeries on the market, just finding a quality moisturizer can be overwhelming. Before spending any more time or energy roaming the pages of a magazine or searching your local drugstore, consider three easy and convenient ways to improve your skin and look better that are sure to leave you smiling.

Hydrate - One of the easiest and least expensive ways to instantly improve your skin and overall appearance is to drink more water. The human body is composed almost entirely of water, making it an essential part of life, but also the key to a youthful appearance. Water hydrates the skin, camouflaging premature wrinkles and keeping skin radiant and vibrant. When you drink water throughout the day, your body more effectively rids itself of unhealthy toxins and other materials that contaminate the skin. Particularly for those who exercise frequently, replenishing the body with adequate water keeps your skin healthy and glowing.

Get Adequate Rest - While many of us burn the candle at both ends, not getting a good nights sleep leaves you with tired, aging skin and a complexion that looks worn. The truth is, your body needs sleep to repair and reenergize from the hectic day. When you deprive your skin of this important cellular repair and nutrient delivery opportunity, it shows. While it may not be possible to get the recommended eight hours most doctors prescribe, a decent nights sleep with the television off and the phone on vibrate will do wonders for your skin.

Soak Your Way to Beauty in a Hot Tub - Most of us are familiar with the relaxing, pain relieving qualities of a soak in the hot tub, but improving skin? Absolutely and here’s why. Sitting in a hot tub even for twenty minutes a few times a week does more to keep your skin looking fresh than you could imagine. First, consistent use of a hot tub lowers stress levels which leaves you feeling more energized and ready to face difficult challenges. Stress is the number one health complaint and a leading cause of premature aging. Relaxing, de-stressing and relieving aches and pains in a hot tub, also increases your circulation which helps your body more efficiently deliver important nutrients and oxygen to the skin which gives it a fresh, youthful appearance.

These days, everyone is looking for a quick fix for getting youthful, vibrant skin. Luckily, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune and there are no surgeries to endure. If radiant skin is your goal, consider hydrating with plenty of water, get adequate rest and make a dip in the hot tub a part of your weekly routine.

Keywords: Used Hot Tubs MN

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to

Hot Tub Prices Minneapolis – 3 Ways a Hot Tub Can Improve Your Life

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

These days, it’s tough to manage everything that needs to be managed. From work to family to paying the bills, there’s simply not enough time in the day to get things done without stress, pain or discomfort. Add to that the fact that most of us are handling all of these responsibilities on less than adequate sleep and you’ll have a pretty accurate snapshot of the country. So what can we do? If you’re looking for an answer, consider a hot tub and learn how to make things easier. Here are three ways a hot tub can improve your life, leaving you happier and healthier.

De-Stress - When it comes to taking steps to lead a healthy lifestyle, there’s more to the picture than diet and exercise. In fact, learning how to manage stress is an important part of psychological health. When stress is under control, it’s easier to enjoy family, friends, even work. Besides, out of control stress can lead to more serious health problems like high blood pressure, even depression.

Relaxing in a hot tub gives you the chance to take a well deserved break, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Taking the time to recharge reduces chronic stress, leaving you refreshed and reenergized. Plus, making a hot tub a consistent part of your daily routine can enhance weight loss efforts and even help reduce symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes. Hot water therapy has been used for centuries as a way to improve health and well-being

Get a Better Nights Rest - Too many of us suffer from sleep related problems. In fact, insomnia affects everyone at least a few times throughout life. Inadequate rest leaves you unprepared both physically and mentally, making it difficult to concentrate and perform. Sleep deprivation leaves you miserable and can cause mood swings, depression and grogginess. Taking a twenty minute dip in the hot tub after dinner can help you get a better, more restful nights sleep. The warm water prepares your body by relaxing your muscles and easing tension while your mind slows down and embraces calm. If you’re having difficulty getting to sleep at night, taking a dip in the hot tub is the perfect solution and an easy way to get the rest you need to be your best.

Ease Pain and Suffering - If you suffer from arthritis or joint pain, a hot tub is simply one of the best ways to get relief. Achy, tired, overworked muscles and joints can be debilitating, making it difficult just to get up and get through activities of daily life. The warm water from the hot tub relieves pain instantly, relaxing muscles and easing discomfort. Joint pain is targeted by massaging jets which penetrate the skin deep under the muscle. It’s instant relief the second you step into the water. Plus, the weightlessness feeling or “buoyancy” created by the water takes pressure off the joints immediately, giving you time to recover without putting any extra stress on the joints. Take a dip in the evenings before bed and enjoy a pain free, restful sleep.

A hot tub is a fantastic way to improve your life. From easing pain and discomfort to improving sleep or reducing stress, using a hot tub even a few times a week leaves you healthier, happier and ready to face what lies ahead.

Consumers wanting to find the Hot Spring Spas location nearest them are encouraged to visit the company website for more information. The website address is

Keyword: Hot Tub Prices Minneapolis

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 651 731 9745 or go to